Saturday, October 12, 2013

Letter to Mom from Bonifay-September 30, 2013

Hi Mom!

My week has been just fantastic! I think I may just start writing the story segment to you for now until I get faster at typing. If that's okay with y'all. It's good to hear that you are doing better. Don't get too frustrated with them. Remember you were the one that ran into the pole. ;) haha I can just see little Beckham haha. He probably looks like a lady that we are teaching when she feels the Spirit in our lessons. It is quite the spectacle. I haven't seen anyone speak in tongues yet. I want to though I just want to see what they do.

Riley emailed saying something about Mason, but I guess what happened isn't as bad as what I thought happened. I just need to not think the worst possible thing haha. All Riley said about it was did you hear about mason? and I freaked out for a second. She seriously got called to New Zealand? That's soo lucky, not nearly as good as Tallahassee, but still cool. Thanks for the thought mom! I love you so much! Thanks for getting all the CD's and address book together I can't wait for those! I pray for you everyday! I hope you get better!

Alright story time now. Elder Pino was sooo awesome! He was just super spiritual and the lesson that he taught was so cool and I have a mini back up lesson to it too. He taught about how everything that we do as missionaries should all lead back to our purpose. We exercise in the morning to stay fit to invite people to come unto Christ. We have P day to chill out and let off stress to help us be spiritually ready to invite others to come unto Christ. We can relate this all to our lives as members of the church. We go to work, play football, hang out with friends, go to the doctors, have certain illnesses or injuries to help us come closer to Jesus Christ. Through every trial that Heavenly Father, we either take steps down the strait and narrow or we loosen our grip on the word of God. Everything happens to change us and Jesus Christ's Grace is sufficient to change us. In the September Ensign there is a talk by Brad Wilcox about that. For FHE sometime read about that or try to find it on iTunes. It is very great!

We had a baptism this week! It was super awesome to know that I helped put someone on the path to Eternal Life! I can't wait to see how it all turns out at the end of this. I gave a talk on the Holy Ghost and it was just a great experience! I also baked cookies and of course everyone loved them.

We taught the third hour in church on Sunday and it was of course all about missionary work and there were a ton of spiritual promptings about what I could help teach and talk about. I love having the Gift of the Holy Ghost! this week has been such an awesome testimony builder to me and I just keep getting more and more confirmation that this is truly where I am supposed to be!

Last one! We found a big Samoan family here in Bonifay. They are willing to listen to us! Woohoo! It's so awesome. I need to ask Dad some questions about what island we are from and stuff like that.

Oh and Bonifay is apparently known for the Northwest Florida Championship Rodeo! I bought myself a cowboy hat! haha I really did! I'll send a pic sometime soon.

Thanks Mom! I love you and hope you have a great Week!

Love you so!

Elder Wilson Atagi