Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Letter from Bonifay-October 21, 2013

Hey Mom and Dad!

Today we decided to come and email kinda early because we had to make another trip to Walmart. My bike has been giving me some trouble this week. I have to buy another inner tube but its been doing alright. I hope everyone is doing okay!
This week has been pretty interesting and a lot of fun. We found a new investigator last week and from October 14 to the 20th, we had a lesson with her every day. She has already gained a testimony, told her boyfriend they have be separated until they can get married, and quit drinking sweet tea. We haven't even taught her the Word of Wisdom or Law of Chastity yet. Paige is her name. She is so awesome! She told us a story of seeing on the news of a little girl taking her own life because of being bullied, but also having learned about the Plan of Salvation knowing that she would be okay. She told us right then she knew that it was true. I loved that it was so awesome to see that.

There was also a ward party this week at a members home! It was Brother George. He used to be the owner of the bank in Bonifay so he has some money but he is one of the most humble people I have ever met. He has a large house and then another house/barn thing that is entirely just a kitchen and a place to hang out in. They had a hay ride and a ton of food. I baked cookies for it and they were gone in a few second haha. So that was awesome I took some pictures of some little kids we were hanging out with. It was awesome to see how many people came out to it that don't come to church that often. Sister George made this awesome Brunswick Stew. It was so good.

On Sunday, we had a lesson with Paige at the Mork's house. He is an avid FSU fan and he has a jacked up golf cart that is all decked out in FSU stuff and it can get up to 30 mph. It was so crazy. We got to ride in it and everything. So there is a touch of the social aspect of missionary work.

Is everybody doing alright? How was the long weekend? And the last game? I got to go to the beach this week too. We had an exchange with the Zone Leaders in Panama City Beach and that morning for exercise we ran down there for it. That was a lot of fun! Other than that though, not much going on this week. 

I love you guys and hope Y'all are having a great week/day. 


Elder Wilson Atagi

P.S. new favorite food is boiled peanuts