Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Letter to Dad from Bonifay-October 14, 2013

Hey Dad,

I will definitely be sending a letter to Grandma. Dang my Saints are stilling winning the Super Bowl and sorry to hear about your Raiders, but they just can't be helped haha. Good to hear they got a win. I heard Noah played a lot. The booth was fun, not a lot of fruits yet, hopefully some come. I missed you guys at the conference too, Bonifay does a Pancake and Sausage supper before which was pretty good.

1.       Do you have a guitar yet? I do have a guitar!

2.        Do a lot of Elders have ukes there? Saw a Uke in a picture on the Mission blog.  Not that I have scene in my Zone so far. I think there are a couple somewhere.

3.       Zone conference is every month? Zone Conference is usually every other transfer so every other month or something like that.

4.       Does it look like you will be transferred next?  I don't think so. We just found that Polynesian family the other week and President seems to think I am the one to teach them. By the way was Grandpa a High chief? and What Island are we from?

5.       What is your biggest challenge now almost 3 months into it? The hardest part so far? It's hot and sometimes in a companionship is frustrating, but oh well. That and I just can't sleep lately. It's weird.

6.       Have you had an interview with your Mission President lately? How was it? I had an interview this past week which went really well! He seems to really like me. He's an awesome man!

7.       How are your work outs?  The work outs are good. I'm trying to eat better but the members just feed me some horrible unhealthy food. In Elders Quorum yesterday, they were talking about how people in the West don't cook with grease and oil and they all looked totally mortified. Some were like "I would die without Grease and Oil to cook with." hahaha

8.       Is the bike holding up? Still using it a lot?  The bike is holding up, but my tires are almost bald and I had to buy an inner tube this week. so that's really the only issue. I still use it a ton.

10.   We hope to be sending you a package here soon let us know if there is anything in particular that you need? I could really use some melatonin and guitar chords so I can get to know some more chords to play and then some guitar music. Other than that I think I am doing pretty good. I'm making brownies for a dinner tonight to teach an investigator and this Saturday is the Fall Festival for this ward and it's supposed to be a big deal.

Thanks Dad for the advice and the update! I don't know if you guys got the September Ensign, but the talk I want you to look at is in there called "His Grace is Sufficient" by Brad Wilcox

Thanks Dad for always being there!

I love you Dad!

Alofa Atu Oi

Elder Wilson Atagi