Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Letter to Mom from Bonifay-February 17, 2014

Hi Mom!

Yeah we are pretty excited for it (zone conference)! President actually cancelled on us so that kind of sucks but oh well. We have zone conference this Thursday so we are stoked! I'm sorry if didn't get you anything for valentines! My brothers did good though haha. Sounds like if taught them well haha. That’s good that Ethan had fun with Nikki and it's crazy that Ryan is back already! Holy cow I can't believe that!

1. Did you get our box and do the shoes fit? I did thanks mom for doing that and the shoes fit perfect! I think if have grown a little so that's exciting!

2. Anything happen new with investigators or less active members? Nothing this week. Pretty slow to be honest.

 3. Have you been doing any service? I know you have but I wondered what things you’ve done. We go scoop ice cream for crazy old people in a nursing home here in town

 4. Hardest things this week? Drag Elder Misi anywhere else? Just slow and boring mostly. On Sunday all the leadership in the mission like zone leaders and sister training leaders and APs and President were in Bonifay for sacrament meeting because they had a meeting before that. That was cool

5. Best thing that happened this week? We didn't die! haha And we set up a lesson with Paige and Will finally!

6. Anything you need? Nope I am good!

Okay mom Love you and I will send a letter this week!

Love you so!

Elder Wilson Atagi