Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Letter to Dad from Fort Walton Beach-March 10, 2014

Hey Dad!

The new area is sick! I'm doing really good! I'm doing great here in the new area! I am kinda area sick, but not too bad. My new comp is pretty cool. His name Elder Schwartz. He goes home next transfer so this will be the second missionary I have killed off so far on my mission. He is pretty sweet. He's from Idaho and is kinda goofy, but a really good missionary. Yeah I missed out on Elder Ballard. That was super stupid haha. If I had stayed in Bonifay I would have been fine. There is a beach and we went and played beach volleyball today so that was dope. We aren't in a threesome so it's weird that we are both senior comps. That's awesome that they are both doing good! Sounds like the other kids haven't quite reached their level huh? That's funny.

1. Address? 44 Wright Parkway NW #A2. Ft. Walton Beach, FL 32548

2. Near the Beach? We are probably like 4 miles from like a real beach.

3. Was it hard to leave Bonifay? It was super hard leaving Bonifay. I literally knew the town better than most of the people that lived there. Cool story, I helped a 24 year old decide to go on a mission from getting him to come out with us all the time!

4. How was your first transfer? How much did you collect in 7 months in one area? I have seemed to collect quite a lot according to my bags haha, but I didn't really place everything in that well. I think I have just collected a lot of paper and stuff like that. The shoes probably take up the most room.

5. What is your new apartment like? It is really small compared to the old one so i don't like it that much, but I can't really control anything like that so.

6. Who moves you from place to place? They have like a caravan of some vans and trailers and one truck and trailer that carries everybody.

7. Is your comp big like you? tall? He is like 6 ft. not too big though.he isn't very athletic, he is still pretty cool.

8. Have you learned anything from him yet? He knows how to do this thing called personology. Which is reading peoples traits on like their face and hands to predict how the person acts or thinks in life. It's really weird but I will try to explain more when I actually figure it out.

Spiritual moments this week would be when we were praying as we left transfer spots. I said my own prayer asking if I was going to get better as a missionary in my new area and if I was really supposed to be going there. This overwhelming feeling of peace and the answer yes came to my mind so that was pretty cool.

I think that statement is true for sure. I think it would be because the situation with my last comp gave me the opportunity to either rise above it or shy away and I got stronger from it. Heavenly Father always gives us opportunities to make the right choice in life.

We are all constantly practicing on being obedient. Just like a coach puts the player in the first team to see if he can trust him in the big game. The small promptings that we get to go and check if the kids are alright after hearing a call or for missionaries the prompting to knock on the door. Often we find that nothing was wrong or that the person was not interested, but now Heavenly Father sees that he can trust us in a bigger situation when a lot of people are on the line or someone really is hurt or in need. He is waiting to see if we will be obedient always.

Love you Dad!