Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Letter to Dad from Bonifay-February 17, 2014

Hey Dad!

The weather has been pretty weird down here. That sucks that the team is struggling. I know how that feels haha. That's crazy Will is going to Peru like Mason! That's ridiculous that Ryan is back already! That’s awesome he had a good mission.

1. So the meeting via broadcast I heard you guys had several GAs? We had quite a few like 5 or 6.

2. When I read other missionaries blogs I see that some parents send articles from home would you like that? That would be cool like what kind of articles?

3. So how is that recorder? It’s pretty sweet and i am trying to do like a recording every other day to record like a journal.

4. Are you struggling with anything right now? I’m good Dad thanks for worrying about me though.

5. Tell me about a cool experience this past week? We didn't really have any this week... I did have a crazy dream though. In the dream the APs called me and told me I have 5 transfers left to become the missionary that the Lord wants me to be so I can be an AP or a zone leader I can't remember the exact detail on that part. So that was pretty cool i guess.

That's good to see all those guys. Something that one of the zone leaders I talked to on Sunday said that to describe in one word the church's goals right now is urgency. We need to understand that our time is short and the work is kicking up fast.
I love you too dad!

Alofa Atu Oi

Elder Wilson Atagi