Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Letter to Dad-December 9, 2013

Dear Dad,

It's going pretty good! My Saints will make it through haha. I spoke in sacrament this past Sunday! And we sang Silent night I even did it in Samoan. People were crying left and right. I think the blessings of the temple enrich your life by doing work for people who become angels that will bear you up. The more temple work you do, the bigger your team gets. Not that it is a competition, but something that will make you super happy about in Heaven! The temple helps us role-play for the Celestial Kingdom and helps us understand our purpose as Children of God! Sounds like Basketball is going really well for Ethan and Noah!

1.      So what is the news on transfers? Elder Misi and I are staying together. Elder Egbert across the way is becoming the New Zone leader in our Zone so that is pretty sweet!

2.      How has Elder Misi been to work with? Is he getting sent to another area? Or is he going to a stay with you?   He is pretty good to work with. President's email this week told me that I need to be working on him to get him to enjoy the work. Crazy to believe he can trust me that much! He is staying with me.

3.      Did you guys have a Zone Conference?  Have you had an interview with your Mission President? We have had Zone training, but we have a half mission Christmas conference next week so that's pretty exciting and no interviews yet!

4.      How was Elder Mafi's last week? It was pretty good. It will kind of be good to start with Elder Misi though so we can get some of the leaving missionary habits out of our brains.

5.      Did you get a blanket from Walmart? I did and it is working great!

6.      Can you tell me who has sent you letters that are not of the immediate family so when they tell me they sent you a note I am not surprised? Like a lady who lives by President Jardine told me she sent you a card? Misty Anderson sent me one and the only other ones I have really gotten are from Jay Schroeder.

7.      How is the Guitar coming? Still trying to find more time to pick at it, but it will work out.

8.      How are you health-wise? Any issues? Health wise I am doing good. I am working on eating better in the apartment so that I can try and cut some weight off and just be in better shape

9.      How are the investigators? Are any progressing towards baptism? How is your teaching skills? The investigators are doing great. We really are working on getting a couple of them married so that they can because they want to really bad. My teaching skills are pretty good. Sometimes some of Elder Mafi's lessons or thoughts during lessons are really confusing so I have to try and clear those up, but so far pretty good. I am working on asking better questions

10.  How is your district and what did you teach them this week? The district is doing great apparently it was full of leadership this past transfer one of the sisters is going to be a sister training leader! Crazy huh?

Pretty good week! We have mostly just been trying to meet with our investigators about 3 time a week and a couple of them fell through, but just because people had work. We had a couple member present lessons that took care of about 3 of our investigators concerns! That was pretty sweet! Thanks for the thought Dad!

I'm gonna miss y'all during this season!

Alofa Atu Oi

Elder Wilson Atagi