Friday, November 1, 2013

Letter to Mom from Bonifay-10/28/13

Hey Mom!

Sounds like everyone is doing well! I'm excited for Zach and Abbey! Mom, I'm really not that great haha. I'm just out doing what I think is right. I look dang good in that rebel cowboy hat haha. If I really wanted to be a rebel, I would buy a Confederate flag, but I won't because that is really dumb. I have now officially popped 3 spokes on the back rim of my bike and I'm becoming quite the mechanic, but next week I will email you if I need a new one next week.

Okay, so crazy story for this week. I have just today been called as a District Leader in my area. Elder Frederiksen is leaving Bonifay to become a Zone Leader in the Pensacola. I am getting a new comp that will leave for home next transfer named Elder Mafi so we will be the Samoan Companionship. I'm really freaking out right now so I don't really know how much I am going to say in these emails today and I will write home this week. So I am really excited, but also totally terrified. Oh well haha.

The message from me this week is about the stripling warriors in Alma 56 and i can't remember the verses but Helaman says "well my sons, shall we go to battle?" and the message is if God has asked us to go to battle with our scriptures and prayers in mind throughout the day, will we answer the question: I am afraid? or will we say "Behold our God is with us!!"

I love you Mom and thanks for worrying about me and how I am handling my communication. Wish me luck I'm leading a district!

Love your neglected Elder ;)

Elder Wilson Atagi