Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Letter to Mom from Bonifay-November 18, 2013

Hey Mom!

Sounds like an awesome week. Good to hear about Zach and G. I am excited for both of them to get to the real world! The banquets sound like a lot of fun! Awesome to hear about Noah and Ethan lettering and making the team. Thanks for sending the package I can't wait to see if I have gotten it. I was wondering if y'all could send the EFY 2013 songs and then the boots that Dad got before I left. That would help out in some service projects.

Let us if there are things that you need. People are asking us about what things they can send to you, clothes, food, treats, scripture stuff or things like that from the distribution center.  Maybe give me some ideas of what you'd like.

If they want to send clothes send some ties, but make sure they are polyester because silk ties ruin easy. If they want to send food, hit me haha. I eat a lot of tuna as of late and ramen and Cream of mushroom. I am trying to cut some weight off. If they want to send treats I welcome anything they want to send. I think I have nearly perfected making Chocolate chip cookies. I would love the missionary library and like a quote book and maybe even like sports motivation quote book and stuff like that. That would be pretty sweet and tell whoever to send pictures of their families and stuff like that so then I know who they are. haha

I pray for you too Mom!

Love you so!

Elder Wilson Atagi