Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Letter to Mom from Bonifay-November 11, 2013

Hey Mom!

I told dad in an email just barely if I could get a grayish charcoal Sweater vest that would be awesome. I don't really get cold haha. Thanks for getting all the stuff. If I could get all of the Nashville Tributes, that would be awesome. No worries on everything else haha just whenever y’all have time.

The work is going great and I am having a lot of fun and we are kind of stuck with our 2 most progressive investigators, all they need to get married. We are still getting into the Samoan family. They are wanting us to just drop by most nights to teach them about the church.

I heard Mollie's baptism was awesome! I miss all those little guys tell them all I say hi. Noah is going to do great! He just needs to play hard.

Not much from me this week. We played basketball on some street courts with some kids and dominated them and we got a ton of potential investigators. It is really hard to play in a white shirt and tie. We also got a new investigator named Bridget that was really random. We were going to meet with a less active and she walked up and started asking questions and Elder Mafi sat and taught the LA and I taught Bridget all about the gospel. That was awesome to know that I was able to do that for sure. Like by myself does that make sense?

It was a great week and I wanted to share the message contained in Alma 34:32-34. This life really is our only chance to become like Christ and we need to do all that we can to make it. I love you, Mom.

Love you so!

Elder Wilson Atagi